

I am part of the backend engineers specializing on IaS & CI/CD (Infrastructure as Code & Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery.

私は、IaS と CI/CD (Infrastructure as Code、継続的インテグレーション、継続的デリバリー) を専門とするバックエンド エンジニアの 1 人です。


The most memorable is the current Serverless Framework to Terraform migration.
It is very interesting and fun as we had to come up with a strategy on how to structure our configuration of IaS.

最も印象に残っているのは、現在の Serverless Framework から Terraform への移行です。
IaS の構成をどのように構築するかという戦略を考えなければならなかったので、非常に興味深く楽しいものでした。


I was actually working in a catering business for many years, specifically as a Bartender before coming to Japan and as a cook in Japan.
Even though it was a lot of fun, after the birth of my first child I decided to switch career to Engineering. It took me about 2 and a half year of studying after work and weekends to be hired by Dai.
And I have been having so much fun ever since!



I am here to help provide modern solutions to Dai’s problems. My mentor keeps telling me, my biggest advantage is that I have been learning the most modern methods of IT solutions.

However, in any industry, especially IT, the need for Continues Improvement is gigantic as the industry moves too fast. What was modern 3 years ago is overshadowed by newer technologies like AI. That is why I believe Continues Improvement and constant learning of new things is a must skill.


I want to learn Kubernetes and how to use them to increase efficiency, availability & scalability.

Kubernetes と、それを使用して効率、可用性、スケーラビリティを向上させる方法を学びたいです。


I love football, I have played it since I was 6ish years old. I also love to watch Premier League and my team Tottenham Hotspur. On my days off I spend as much time as possible with my beautiful family.



Determined, dedicated & respectful



My moto is “To dare is to do”. It means one must take risks and make bold attempts in order to achieve success. The Latin version, “Audere-est-facere,” reflects a spirit of determination and courage.

私のモットーは “To dare is to do” = 「挑戦は実行」です。成功するためにはリスクを負い、大胆な試みをしなければならないという意味です。ラテン語版の「Audeat-est-facere」は、決意と勇気の精神を表しています。


To watch my children succeed.



The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.
